Longwell Green Sports Tournament 2007

(Coronation Park, Cadbury Heath, Bristol – Registration 08:30)


Taking a look at the program today I was more than a little worried when I noticed that both Bristol Rovers SC & Warmley Rangers were in our group. With both these team having done well in last seasons “A” division, Rovers winning it and Warmley coming home runners up, with both their A teams to play I knew this would be a tough group to get through. However with a little bit of luck “Who knows what can happen”!


GAME 1  -  Bishport B  V  Frys (Pitch 1)

(Group stage Game 1)


Before kick off I had reminded the boys of how important it was to get off to a good start because if we were going to progress through to the knockout stages once more then we needed an early win to settle any nerves. Of course it would also mean not having to beat the Rovers in our last game to guarantee progression!


We kicked off a little late but it wasn’t too long before we had something to cheer about J Ashley picking up the ball around the centre line and after taking on 2 players played a perfect ball in to Charlie sat inside the their goal area. Charlie then seemed to take an age to take the chance but when he did there was certainly no mistaking the quality of the goal, a real smasherroony! Giving Frys the deserved lead. (1-0)


Goal 2 then came along very quickly in almost an identical fashion as the first. Ashley again picked up a loose ball and played it through to Charlie who once again found the net with a sublime flick past an onrushing keeper.


The game was very much one way traffic from here on in. But for the Bishport keeper we could have added 3 or 4 more with ease but it was left to a penalty to get our 3rd and final goal of the encounter. We had been pressing hard and after a succession of corners a Bishport player clearly handled while trying to block. Jack stepped up and made no mistake from the spot to give us the perfect start.

FT3-0 Frys.



GAME 2  -  Frys  V  Abbeymead (Pitch 1)

(Group stage Game 2)


This game was much tighter than the 1st as Abbeymead were clearly in no mood to be dictated too and so we had to wait until a couple of minutes from time to wrap this one up. Abbey had not really threatened our goal while at the same time made it hard for us to get anywhere near theirs. It was left to a superbly well taken strike to give us the victory we had needed to aid our progression. Jack Sheehan had floated a ball over from a corner that was fully volleyed from the edge of the box by Cameron Shorney and with the keepers view blocked from a crowed area he had no time to react as he watched it sail into the bulging net. FT1-0 Frys



GAME 3  -  Warmley A  V  Frys  (Pitch 1)

(Group stage Game 3)


We started this game in a very positive manner and were somewhat dumfounded when we found ourselves 1-0 down midway through the game. It was harsh to concede as we had until this point been the better team and from the reaction of the players afterwards it was obvious we were in no mood to let this one slip by without a fight.


After conceding the goal I brought off Aaron and Ryan and replaced them with Cameron and Jack to give us a more direct approach. We didn’t have to wait long before we got our deserved equaliser. Scored by Matt just a few minutes from time, he latched on to a through ball and placed it low past the keeper. With no more real chances falling to either side the game finished honours even.   FT1-1



GAME 4  -  Bristol Rovers A  V  Frys (Pitch 1)

(Group stage Game 4)


This was our last group game and even though we had 7 points from 9 already we still weren't sure of qualifying for the knockout stages. A Rovers win would see them move above us to top the group while at the same time putting us 2nd with Warmley A still to play Bishport.


I told the boys at the start that if we didn’t concede then we are through. I asked for hard work and a good team ethic and they responded fantastically. It’s fair to say that Rovers were having the better of it in this game but they were finding us in no mood to let this slip without a fight. Time and time again we would foil and frustrate them and just when it looked like we were going to get the point to secure top spot, Rovers found the net with about 30 seconds to go L  leaving us dependant on the results from within the other groups. It was hard on Frys as we had worked hard to compete but overall Rovers maybe “Just” deserved it. FT 1-0 Rovers




Final Table (Group A)











Bristol Rovers A








Warmley A








Fry Club JFC
















Bishport B























Quarter Final !   (Pitch 7) then pitch 1 then eventually pitch 3!!!

1st call   Frys v Nicholas Wanders

2nd call  Frys V Bishport A

3rd call  Frys v Bristol rovers B

4th call  Frys V Bishport A

5th call  Frys v Bristol rovers B


After what had seemed an eternity we eventually kicked off our QF against Bristol Rovers B some 21/2  hours behind time, an unfortunate event on pitch 6 also did nothing to help the (“Dis” :-/ )organisation of the tournament and after getting the boys ready once more it was at last kick off J .


Before this game I had again plumped for a 2-3-1 formation only to change my mind at the last second and return us to our normal Sunday formation of 1-2-1-2 and at the same time leaving myself wondering why I had changed it in the first place! :-/


We started off this game very well and grew in confidence as the game progressed. We were unlucky not to take the lead early on when Charlie had shown good flair to beat 3 players and play one inside to Cameron who was unlucky to see his effort deflected for a corner. Cameron then had another chance as Ashley played him through only to see his delicate lob get stuck in the grass and a defender manage to stop it on the line and clear to save their day. We had a few more chances but with luck seemingly against us Rovers B held out to take this tie into a penalty shoot out.  (5 each and then sudden death)


Rovers win the toss and opt to shoot second.


And so to the action in true “Premier Manager” style ;-)


Charlie steps up for Frys, Strikes ………….and it’s in of the post J  (1-0 Frys)


A Rovers player then steps up to find our keeper Oliver doing the Dudek shuffle along his line, Or was he?


The Rovers player steps up to strike the ball and there is a cry from the crowd that the keeper is off his line and the ref instantly blows his whistle as the shot heads clean into the net, No Goal the ref says! and orders a retake explaining to the protester that is now complaining it should be a goal that it was his protest that made it a retake and that he cant have it both ways!


So the same player again steps up,  Strikes…………. GOOD SAVE OLI!  J (0-1 Frys)


Jack steps up for Frys, Strikes …………..and it smashes in of the bar J  (2-0 Frys)

Rovers step up for pen 2, Strikes and again Oliver saves brilliantly J (0-2 Frys)


Louis steps up for Frys, Strikes………..Blazes it wide  :-o   (2-0 Frys)

Rovers step up for pen 3, …………………….Strikes it in to row Z  J  (0-2 Frys)


Ashley steps up for Frys to put us through, Strikes………………….Blazes it wide  :-o   (2-0 Frys)

Rovers step up for pen 4 knowing a miss puts them out, Strikes ……….…and it slips under Oliver’s dive, Unlucky Oli (1-2 Frys)


Cameron steps up for Frys 5th and last penalty, strikes…………………………..GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!   Frys are through and into the semi finals once more


FT 0-0  (Frys win 3-1 on pens aet)



Semi - Final  -  Rovers “A”  V  Frys (Pitch 7)  No 6!


Tired but not beaten we again changed pitches to find our opposition being Rover “A” once more. They had beaten us earlier in the day 1-0 and while they didn’t do it convincingly they probably had deserved it so this was going to be a tough one.


I decided to stick with the previous games 1-2-1-2 formation to keep us a little more direct and with the added bonus that it was a more familiar role to the one we normally play. We had been too defensive earlier on in the day and this had been the main reason for allowing Rovers A to pen us back for much of the encounter. I was keen to avoid the same mistake twice.


The game played through at an expected high tempo with chances falling to both teams early on. Cameron went close for Frys with a shot that hit the wrong side of the post and the clearest of the first 5 or 6 minutes.

Rovers then had a chance to take the lead. A great strike from their striker only brought about a better save from our keeper. Oliver again not for the first time today, saved us with an outstretched leg to stop the ball dead and keep us in it.


Frys then had their best spell of the game as Aaron picked up the ball and played it along the line and into space. We quickly made up the ground to support and to try and make this game ours with shot after shot raining in from around the edge of their box.


Rovers however held firm and with just 90 seconds to go grab the only goal of the game. A loose ball breaking clear to one of their strikers and with little resistance he struck it in to the bottom corner to give them another 1-0 victory L  Unlucky Frys, we played a much better game this time and it’s a shame we didn’t get our rewards.


Player of the tournament




Managers overall view


Again we lose out in a semi-final but again I have to say im not overly disappointed. Sure it would be nice if we could break the hoodoo we seem to have at this stage but again I take the positive in the fact that we keep getting this far. We lost out narrowly to very good opposition who were turning others aside at times. I don’t think we should be disappointed as to me it’s another step forward and lesson in “experience” of which will give us plenty to build on for the season ahead.


There are several more positive notes that I could bring you but the pick of the best was certainly Oliver’s fine display in goal. In only his first season as GK he is clearly developing in to a great shot stopper with this being one of the main reasons we are proving to be tough opposition ourselves. If anybody was to question that, then I would just point them to the penalty shoot out. To do the Dudek shuffle just out of the blue like that was pure genius and shows the great character he is.

Well done Oliver, Today’s **STAR MAN**